Writing Updates

I thought I’d share a quick update about what I’m working on now that the print edition of “Echoes” is complete (and for sale).

I have wanted to write historical fiction for a long time. After much discussion and plotting out possible ideas and timelines, I have decided to center my first novel around the American Civil War. It will also include time travel.

During my undergraduate years at Ferrum College, I was fortunate to take a semester-long course on the ACW from one of the most amazing men I have ever known, Col. Earl G. “Bud” Skeens. I hope that this will be a book that he would have enjoyed. I only wish I’d been able to bring the idea to fruition before he passed away several years ago. Right now, I’m primarily doing research. Luckily, our local library had a huge book sale, and I was able to purchase quite a number of excellent Civil War books for next to nothing!

I am also considering an audio book version of “Echoes” . This would allow customers to purchase the poetry at a reduced cost, but with the understanding that the artwork which accompanies the poetry would not be included in such a project. A few polls showed that people would love to hear audio excerpts from “Echoes”, leading me to believe that an audio book would be welcomed. I know that for myself, I always treasure the opportunity to hear poets read their own work, because I get so much more out of it when I hear their tone, and hear which words they emphasize, rather than just reading it to myself and wondering.

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